All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands is an specialized industry in producing baby food cereals, our facilities and operating procedures are suitable to provide products with the highest level of food safety.

The raw materials are selected and screened from the crops to the finished products.

All of the phases of the process are monitored to ensure a safe product in compliance with all of the regulatory and food safety requirements.

Our baby food cereals are developed by considering the appropriate nutritional needs, providing the nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals for the children’s development.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands was founded with the goal of producing infant baby cereals for private labels and outsourcing.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands has begun its operations by producing the brands: NUTRIDAY, GERBER, BIG, MERCADORAMA, SENDAS and JANDAIA.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Due to success, the production capacity was doubled.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

ALLNutri brand is launched in bag and jar packages.

Beginning of the project with MEAD JOHNSON, All Brands carries out the filling process of Sustagen Kids – sachet format.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Opening overseas customers and sending the first shipment to another country.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Development of new products for Brazil and external markets.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands sets as its guideline to be a reference in Food Quality on producing infant cereals.

Beginning of the project with DANONE, All Brands produces the infant cereal MILNUTRI brand.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Certification with Halal Seal.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Implementation and certification with FSSC 22.000 Standard and development of the ALLNutri brand to attend the external market.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

ALLNutri brand is sent abroad.

We are starting with a new management focused on strengthening the brand and expanding the private label portfolio.

We have completed the expansion of the factory, adding 1,000 square meters of usable space.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands has begun its operations by producing the brands: NUTRIDAY, GERBER, BIG, MERCADORAMA, SENDAS and JANDAIA.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Due to success, the production capacity was doubled.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

ALLNutri brand is launched in bag and jar packages.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Beginning of the project with MEAD JOHNSON, All Brands carries out the filling process of Sustagen Kids – sachet format.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Opening overseas customers and sending the first shipment to another country.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Development of new products for Brazil and external markets.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

All Brands sets as its guideline to be a reference in Food Quality on producing infant cereals.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Beginning of the project with DANONE, All Brands produces the infant cereal MILNUTRI brand.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Certification with Halal Seal.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais
All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

Implementation and certification with FSSC 22.000 Standard and development of the ALLNutri brand to attend the external market.

All Brands - Especializada em Cereais

ALLNutri brand sent abroad.

We are starting with a new management focused on strengthening the brand and expanding the private label portfolio.

We have completed the expansion of the factory, adding 1,000 square meters of usable space.
